Programador Oracle PL/SQL | SR-170103-PL-SQL | Lisboa |
Administrador SAP BASIS | MP-170105-BASIS | Porto |
Gestor Projecto | SR-170102-PM | Setúbal |
Programador Mobile | SJ-170111-MOBILE | Lisboa |
Analista Programador Cobol | SJ-170104-AN-DEV-COB | Lisboa |
Consultor Microsoft Senior | SR-170109-MSF-SR | Lisboa |
Programador SAP ABAP | MP-170106-ABAP | Setubal |
Programador Java | SJ-170107-JV | Lisboa |
Programador .net MVC | SJ-170101-NET-MVC | Porto |
Gestor de Projecto | SJ-180113-PM-FIN | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | SJ-180114-ANF-FIN | Lisboa |
Analista Programador Java Spring | SR-180112-JV-SPG | Lisboa |
Analista Programador Microsoft | SR-180111-NET-UMB | Lisboa |
Programador Frontend | SR-180115-NET-FE | Lisboa |
Programador Java Junior | SJ-170116-JV-J | Lisboa |
Consultor BI | SJ-180117-BI-S | Lisboa |
Consultor BI Junior | SJ-180118-BI-J | Lisboa |
IT Recruiter | WW-180119-IT-RH | Lisboa |
Suporte Aplicacional | SJ-180120-SA | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projecto Junior | SJ-180122-PM-J | Lisboa |
Tecnica/o de Recrutamento e Seleção | WW-180121-TRS | Lisboa |
Programador iOS Senior | MP-180132-iOS-S | Lisboa |
Consultor BPM | MP-180134-BPM | Lisboa |
Arquitecto SOA | MP-180135-SOA | Lisboa |
Analista de Negócio Senior | MP-180136-AN-S | Lisboa |
Consultor BI Microsoft Senior | MP-180137-MBI-S | Lisboa |
Programador .net Senior | MP-180138-NET-S | Lisboa |
Programador .NET | MP-180139-NET | Lisboa |
Programador PL/SQL | MP-180140-PL/SQL | Lisboa |
Consultor PHP | MP-180141-PHP | Lisboa |
Consultor Outsystems | BF-180142-OUT | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP Security | BF-180143-SAP-SJ | Lisboa |
Programador Angular | BF-180144-ANG-J | Lisboa |
Programador Sharepoint | MP-180145-SHP | Lisboa |
Websphere Senior | BF-180146-WBS-A | Lisboa |
Consultor ETL | BF-180147-ETL | Lisboa |
Consultores IT | SJ-180148-IT-FR | Todo o País |
Analista Programador Lotus Notes | MP-180149-ALN | Lisboa |
SAP Basis Senior | MP-180150-SBS-S | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP FICO | BF-180151-SFI-CO | Lisboa |
Consultor SAS | MP-180152-SAS | Lisboa |
Consultor Outsystems Senior | MP-180153-OUS-S | Lisboa |
Programador Java | MP-180154-JV | Lisboa |
Team Leader Java | MP-180155-JV-TL | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projeto Senior | MP-180156-PM-S | Lisboa |
Business and Technical Analyst | BF-180157-BTA | Lisboa |
Programador Java Junior | BF-180158-J-J | Lisboa |
Programador | BF-180159-NET | Lisboa |
Consultor ETL | SR-180160-ETL | Lisboa |
Consultor Drupal | MP-180161-DRP | Lisboa |
Programador PHP | MP-180162-PHP | Lisboa |
Responsável Técnico - BI | BF-180163-BI-TL | Lisboa |
Programador .NET MVC | MP-180164-NET-MVC | Lisboa |
Arquitecto .NET | BF-180165-NET-ARC | Lisboa |
Consultor Oracle PL/SQL | MP-180166-ORC | Lisboa |
Programador .net Junior | BF-180167-MVC-J | Lisboa |
Programador Outsystems | MP-180168-OUS | Lisboa |
Consultor Spotfire | BF-180169-SPF | Lisboa |
Consultor Dynamics 365 | MP-180170-DYN | Lisboa |
Programador Cobol | BF-180171-COB | Lisboa |
Consultores SAP FI/CO | BF-180172-FI-CO | Lisboa |
Consultores SAP BI Junior | MP-180173-SBI-J | Lisboa |
IT Project Manager | MP-180174-IT-PM | Lisboa |
Analista Programador Java | MP-180175-JV-A | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | SR-180176-AN-F | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projecto | SR-180177-PM-F | Lisboa |
WHOW talent search | SR-180178-WTS | Lisboa |
Software Tester | BF-180179-SWT | Lisboa |
Consultor PowerCenter | BF-180180-IPW | Lisboa |
Consultor PL/SQL | BF-180181-PL/SQL | Lisboa |
Programador Angular | MP-180182-DEV-ANG | Lisboa |
Programador Java | MP-180183-JV | Lisboa |
Consultor Microsoft BI | MP-180184-M-BI | Lisboa |
Business Analyst - Peoplesoft | BF-180185-PBA | Lisboa |
Tester de Software | WW-180186-SWT | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projecto - Internacional | MP-180187-IPM | Suíça |
Programadores Mobile | MP-180188-MOB | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP BI | BF-180189-SBI | Lisboa |
Team Leaders .NET | MP-180190-NET-TL | Lisboa |
Consultores .NET | MP-180191-NET | Lisboa |
Consultores Oracle SOA | MP-180192-SOA | Lisboa |
Programadores PHP | MP-180193-PHP | Lisboa |
Consultor Outsystems Junior | BF-180194-OS-J | Lisboa |
Gestor de Operações | MP-180195-OM | Lisboa |
Consultor Informática Powercenter | MP-180196-IPW | Lisboa |
Software Testers - Junior | WW-180197-SWT-J | Lisboa |
Team-Leader - Infrastruturas | MP-180198-INF-TL | Lisboa |
Administrador Sistemas Linux | BF-180199-SAD-LNX | Lisboa |
Programador Outsystems | MP-180200-OS | Lisboa |
Programadores PHP | MP-180201-PHP | Lisboa |
Programadores JAVA | MP-180202-JV | Lisboa |
Consultores Analistas Programadores | SR-180203-AND | Lisboa |
Consultores PL-SQL | SR-180204-PL-SQL | Lisboa |
Consultores de Suporte | SR-180205-SUP | Lisboa |
IT Recruiter | WW-180206-IT-R | Lisboa |
Programador JAVA Senior | MP-180207-JV-S | Lisboa |
Consultor Outsystems | MP-180208-OS | Lisboa |
Consultor .NET | MP-180209-NET | Lisboa |
Programador Web | MP-180210-WEB | Lisboa |
Consultor Microsoft BI | BF-180211-BI-S | Lisboa |
Programador. net / Documentum | MP-180212-NET-DOC | Lisboa |
Programador Outsystems | WW-180213-OUS | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP FI/CO | BF-180214-SAP-FI-S | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP TRM | BF-180215-SAP-TRM | Lisboa |
Analistas Programadores .net Senior | BF-180216-AN-NET | Lisboa |
Microsoft BI | BF-180217-MST-BI | Lisboa |
Programador Microsoft | BF-180218-DEV-MST | Lisboa |
Administrador Redes/Segurança | BF-180219-NTW-ADM-S | Lisboa |
IT Service Manager | BF-180220-IT-SM-S | Lisboa |
Administrador AlgoSec | BF-180221-ALS-ADM | Lisboa |
PowerCenter Developer | BF-180222-IPW-DEV | Lisboa |
Microsoft Developer | BF-180223-MST-DEV | Lisboa |
Wordpress Developer | BF-180224-WP-DEV | Lisboa |
Consultor Cobol | MP-180225-COB-S | Lisboa |
Programador FrontEnd | MP-180226-FE-DEV | Lisboa |
Consultor Business Intelligence | MP-180227-BI | Lisboa |
IT Operations Manager | BF-180228-IT-OPM | Lisboa |
Consultor SAS | MP-180229-SAS | Lisboa |
PMO Junior | MP-180230-PMO-J | Lisboa |
Controller Financeiro | BF-180231-FIN-CTR | Lisboa |
Programadores Java Junior | MP-180232-JV-J | Todo o País |
Programadores Java Senior | MP-180233-JV-S | Todo o País |
Consultor SAP ABAP | MP-180240-ABP-DEV | Lisboa |
Business Analyst | BF-180241-BA | Lisboa |
Consultores Outsystems | MP-180242-OUT-S | Lisboa |
Infrastructure Project Manager | BF-180243-IT-PM | Lisboa |
Administrador Sistemas - Windows | BF-180244-WS-AD | Lisboa |
Técnico de Redes e Segurança | BF-180245-NS-T | Lisboa |
Programadores .NET | MP-180246-MST | Lisboa |
Release Manager | BF-180247-RM | Lisboa |
WebDesigner UX/UI | BF-180248-WD | Lisboa |
Programador FrontEnd | BF-180249-DEV-FE | Lisboa |
Consultor BI | BF-180250-BI | Lisboa |
SAP FICO Consultant | MP-180251-SFI | Lisboa |
Programador Java | MP-180252-JV | Lisboa |
DBA Microsoft | MP-180253-MST-DBA | Lisboa |
Programadores .Net | MP-180254-NET-DEV | Lisboa |
Scrum Master | MP-180255-SCR-M | Lisboa |
Consultores SAS | MP-180256-SAS | Lisboa |
Administrador Sistemas Linux | BF-180257-SAD-LNX | Lisboa |
Project Manager - Procurement | BF-180258-PM-PRC | Lisboa |
Consultor TWS | BF-180259-TWS | Lisboa |
Consultor Java Web Senior | MP-180260-WJV-S | Lisboa |
Consultor ETL Senior | MP-180261-ETL-S | Lisboa |
Consultores Java | MP-180262-JV | Lisboa |
Consultores de Suporte Técnico / Helpdesk | MP-180263-STH | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projecto | BF-180264-PM | Lisboa |
Tester Consultant | BF-180265-T | Lisboa |
IT Project Manager | BF-180266-PM-ITF | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP BI | MP-180267-BI-SAP | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP BW Senior | MP-180268-SBW-S | Lisboa |
Analistas Funcionais | BF-180269-FA | Lisboa |
Release Manager | RB-180270-RM | Lisboa |
Analista de Requisitos de Negócio | BF-180271-ARF | Lisboa |
Especialista em Estudos de Mercado | BF-180272-EM | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projecto | BF-180273-PM | Lisboa |
Data Scientist | BF-180274-DS | Lisboa |
Consultor SAP BI Senior | RB-180275-SBI-S | Lisboa |
Programadores Outsystems Junior | RB-180276-OUT-J | Lisboa |
IT Operations Manager | RB-180277-IT-OPM | Lisboa |
Consultor Liferay | WW-180278-LFR | Lisboa |
Programadores PHP | WW-180279-PHP | Lisboa |
Programadores Java | WW-180280-Java | Lisboa |
Programador Mobile | WW-180281-MOB-J | Lisboa |
Programadores .net | WW-180282-MST | Lisboa |
Programadores Juniores e Seniores | WP-180283-DEV | Lisboa |
Consultor Cobol | BF-180284-COB | Lisboa |
Programador PHP | MP-180285-PHP | Lisboa |
Programador ANGULAR | MP-180286-AJS | Lisboa |
Gestor Projectos Infraestruturas | MP-180287-IPM | Lisboa |
Consultor JBOSS | WW-180288-JBA | Lisboa |
Java Senior - International | WW-180290-JVI-S | Amsterdam |
Consultor Microstrategy | MP-180291-MSF-P | Porto |
Business Analyst | MP-180292-BA | Lisboa |
Release Manager | MP-180293-RM | Lisboa |
Engenheiro Software .NET | MP-180294-MSE | Lisboa |
DevOps | MP-180295-DOP | Lisboa |
Business Manager | WW-180296-WBM | Lisboa |
Programador | BF-180297-ASP | Lisboa |
DBA | BF-180298-DBA | Lisboa |
Programador Mobile | BF-180299-MOB | Lisboa |
Business Manager Júnior | WW-180300-WBM-J | Lisboa |
Consultores Microsoft BI | BF-180301-MBI | Lisboa |
Consultores Microsoft BI Juniores | BF-180302-MBI-J | Lisboa |
Consultores Java | MP-180303-JVD | Lisboa |
Consultores Java Juniores | MP-180304-JVD-J | Lisboa |
Programadores .NET | MP-180305-MSD | Lisboa |
Tester de Software | MP-180306-SWT | Lisboa |
Fullstack Developer | MP-180307-JVA | Lisboa |
.NET Developer Júnior | MP-180308-NET-J | Lisboa |
.NET Developer Senior | SR-180309-NET-S | Lisboa |
Consultor React - FrontEnd | SR-180310-RFE | Lisboa |
Programador Angular | SR-180311-AGD | Lisboa |
IT Recruiter | WW-180312-ITR | Lisboa |
Consultor BPM | MP-180313-BPM | Lisboa |
Programador Java - SOA | MP-180314-JVS-S | Lisboa |
Analistas Funcionais | MP-180315-FA | Lisboa |
Consultores de Integração | MP-180316-IC | Lisboa |
Java Developer | SR-180317-JD | Lisboa |
Analista de Segurança de Informação | BF-180318-SA | Lisboa |
Consultor BI - Senior | SR-180319-SA | Lisboa |
FrontEnd Technical Leader | SR-180320-FTL | Lisboa |
Webmaster | SR-180321-WM | Lisboa |
Consultor Powercenter | MP-180322-IPW | Lisboa |
Consultor BI Senior | RB-180323-LBI | Lisboa |
Consultores Oracle | SR-180324-OPL | Lisboa |
Programadores Java | SR-180325-JVD | Lisboa |
Programador .NET | MP-180326-NET-FS | Lisboa |
Administrador Sistemas Linux | MP-180327-SYS-ADM | Lisboa |
Administrador Sistemas | MP-180328-SAD | Lisboa |
Programador Outsystems | SR-180329-OSD | Lisboa |
Consultor ARIS | SR-180330-ARD | Lisboa |
Programador Angular | SR-180331-ANG | Lisboa |
Consultores Node JS | SR-180332-NJS | Lisboa |
Fullstack .NET Developer | BF-180333-FSN | Lisboa |
Programadores JAVA | BF-180334-JD | Lisboa |
Programadores .Net Fullstack | MP-180335-FSN | Lisboa |
Consultores Cobol | BF-180336-COB | Lisboa |
People & Business Manager | WW-180337-PBM | Lisboa |
Outsystems Software Architect | MP-180338-OSA | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projectos | MP-180339-PM | Lisboa |
Programadores .NET | SR-180340-NET | Lisboa |
Java Developers | MC-180341-JVD | Lisboa |
Senior Java SPRING | MP-180342-JVS-S | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | MP-180343-FAS | Lisboa |
Software Architect | MP-180344-SWA-O | Lisboa |
Java Spring Developer | MC-180345-JSD-S | Lisboa |
Fullstack Developer | SR-180346-FSD | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projecto | MP-180347-PM | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projecto IT | MP-180348-IPM | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | MP-180349-FA | Lisboa |
Consultores Microsoft BI | MP-180350-MBI | Lisboa |
Project Manager | BF-180351-PM | Lisboa |
IT Recruiter | WW-180352-ITR | Lisboa |
Business Developer | WW-180353-BD | Lisboa |
Programador C# Junior | MP-180354-NET | Lisboa |
Programadores C# | MP-180355-NET | Lisboa |
Project Manager - Junior | MP-180356-PM-J | Lisboa |
.NET Developers | MC-180357-MSD-J | Lisboa |
Project Management Officer | MC-180358-PMO | Lisboa |
Administrador de Monitorização | MP-180359-MAD | Lisboa |
Administrador de Sistemas Linux | MP-180360-LAD | Lisboa |
Messaging Expert | MP-180361-MSE | Lisboa |
Consultores de Integração | MP-180362-IC | Lisboa |
Java Team Leader | BF-180363-JV-TL | Lisboa |
Técnico de Field Support | MP-180364-FS | Sines |
IAM Expert | MP-180365-IAM | Lisboa |
Programador Oracle OSB | BF-180366-OSB | Lisboa |
DBA Microsoft | BF-180367-DBA | Lisboa |
Programadores .NET | MP-180368-NET | Lisboa |
Fullstack Developer | MP-180369-NET-FS | Lisboa |
Administrador de Redes | MP-180370-NAD | Lisboa |
Integration Developers | MP-180371-ID | Lisboa |
Administrador Sistemas Junior - Cibersegurança | MP-180372-SAC-J | Lisboa |
CyberSecurity Expert | MP-180373-CSE | Lisboa |
Administrador de Sistemas Microsoft | MP-180374-MSA | Lisboa |
Programadores Java | BF-180375-IJD | Lisboa |
Consultores SAS | MP-180376-SAS | Lisboa |
Identify Management Consultants | BF-180377-IMC | Lisboa |
Android Developers | SR-180378-MD | Lisboa |
Consultor BI Senior | MP-180379-BI-S | Lisboa |
Administrador Redes | BF-180380-NA | Lisboa |
Programador Fullstack | BF-180381-FSD | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | BF-180382-FA-S | Lisboa |
Tester Funcional | BF-180383-FT | Lisboa |
Administrador Linux e Oracle VM | MP-180384-OLA | Lisboa |
Administrador Redes ? Aruba e Extreme | BF-180385-AEA | Lisboa |
Administrador de Redes e / ou Sistemas | BF-180386-NSA | Todo o País |
DBA Oracle e SQL Server | DS-180387-DBA | Lisboa |
Mobile Developers Juniores | MP-180388-MD-J | Lisboa |
Mobile Team Leader | MP-180389-MTL | Lisboa |
Programadores Seniores RPG | MP-180390-RPG | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | MC-180391-FA | Lisboa |
CTO - Chief Technology Officer | MP-180392-CTO | Lisboa |
Consultores Powercenter | MP-180393-IP | Lisboa |
Administradores Sistemas | MP-180394-LSA | Lisboa |
Programador Sistemas Embebidos | MP-180395-ESD | Lisboa |
Scrum Master | SR-180396-SM | Lisboa |
Agile Coach | SR-180397-AGC | Lisboa |
Outsystems Team Leader | BF-180398-OTL | Lisboa |
Consultor BI/DW | BF-180399-DW | Lisboa |
Business Analyst | BF-180400-BA | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | BF-180401-FA | Lisboa |
Programador .NET | BF-180402-NET | Lisboa |
Programador Full stack | BF-180403-FSD | Lisboa |
Consultor Oracle | MP-180404-OFR | Lisboa |
Analista de Dados | MP-180405-DA | Lisboa |
Programadores Outsystems | MP-180406-OD | Lisboa |
DevOps Outsystems | MP-180407-DOO | Lisboa |
Gestor de Produto - Banda Larga | MP-180408-PDM | Lisboa |
Consultores RPG | MP-180409-RPG | Lisboa |
Mobile Developers | MP-180410-RMD | Lisboa |
Programadores Backend | MP-180411-BE | Lisboa |
Programadores Java | MP-180412-JD | Lisboa |
Engenheiros de TI/Telecom | MP-180413-ITE | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | BF-180414-BFA | Lisboa |
Especialista de Security | BF-180415-SS | Lisboa |
Gestores Projetos Infraestruturas | BF-180416-IPM | Lisboa |
Programadores .NET | SJ-180417-MD | Lisboa |
Programadores OUTSYSTEMS | MP-180418-OUT | Lisboa |
Team Leader - Sistemas de Informação | SR-180419-TL | Algarve |
Analista de Sistemas SAP | SR-180420-SAP-A | Algarve |
.NET Developers | MP-180421-NET | Lisboa |
QA Consultants | MP-180422-QA | Lisboa |
Information Security Analyst | MP-180423-ISA | Lisboa |
Suporte Aplicacional | BF-180424-AS | Lisboa |
Administrador Sistemas Microsoft | MP-180425-MSA | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projetos de Infraestruturas | BF-180426-IPM | Lisboa |
Programadores RPG | MP-180427-RPG | Lisboa |
Java Developers | MP-180428-JV | Algarve |
Programadores .Net | WW-180429-NET | Lisboa |
Outsystems Project Manager | BF-180430-OPM | Lisboa |
Testers | BF-180431-ST | Lisboa |
Suporte Aplicacional | BF-180432-APS | Lisboa |
Consultores Liferay | BF-180433-LIF | Lisboa |
Outsystems Tech Lead | BF-180434-OTL | Lisboa |
Project Manager | BF-180435-PM | Lisboa |
.Net Developer | BF-180436-NET | Lisboa |
Programadores Outsystems | BF-180437-OUT | Lisboa |
Analista Funcional | BF-180438-FA | Lisboa |
Java Developers | BF-180439-JD | Lisboa |
Testers Funcionais | BF-180440-FT | Lisboa |
Database Performance Manager | BF-180441-DPM | Lisboa |
Suporte Aplicacional | MP-180442-AS | Lisboa |
Administrador de Monitorização | MP-180444-MAD | Lisboa |
Administrador de Sistemas Microsoft | MP-180445-SYA | Lisboa |
Administrador de Storage IT | MP-180446-STA | Lisboa |
Programador PL/SQL | BF-180447-OPL | Lisboa |
Consultores BI | MP-180448-BI | Lisboa |
Java Architect | MP-180449-JA | Lisboa |
Engenheiro de Redes e Sistemas - Azure | BF-180450-SNE | Lisboa |
.NET Developers | SR-180452-NET | Lisboa |
Test Automation Engineer | SR-180453-TST | Lisboa |
IT Recruiters | WW-180454-ITR-A | Algarve |
Database Developer | SR-180455-DB | Lisboa |
Systems and Network Engineer | SR-180456-SNE | Lisboa |
Azure DevOps Engineer | SR-180457-ADE | Lisboa |
Programadores Java | MP-180458-JD | Remoto |
Administrador de Sistemas Linux | MP-180459-SYS | Remoto |
Arquitecto de Sistemas e Soluções | MP-180460-AS | Remoto |
Cloud Team Leader | MP-180461-CTL | Remoto |
Testers Funcionais | MP-180462-TST | Remoto |
Google Analytics & SEO | MP-180463-SEO | Remoto |
Administrador Sistemas Storage & Backups | BF-180464-ASB | Remoto |
Administrador Sistemas Visualização | BF-180465-AV | Remoto |
Web Linux Administrator | BF-180466-WLA | Remoto |
Administrador Sistemas - Cloud | BF-180467-SAC | Lisboa |
Consultor Operação- Cibersegurança | SJ-180468-OCS | Lisboa |
Consultor Cybersecurity | SJ-180469-CYB | Lisboa |
DevOps Engineer | MP-180470-DEV | Remoto |
Analistas Funcionais | MP-180471-FA | Remoto |
Programadores Java | MP-180472-JVD | Remoto |
Project Management Team Leader | MP-180473-PML | Lisboa |
Programador Xamarin | BF-180474-XD | Lisboa |
Programador React | BF-180475-RD | Lisboa |
Service Designer | BF-180476-SDG | Lisboa |
Lead UX/UI Designer | BF-180477-LUD | Lisboa |
Gestor de Projectos - Infraestruturas | BF-180478-IPM | Remoto/Todo o País |
Administrador de Sistemas - Linux | BF-180479.LNX | Remoto/Todo o País |
Java Developers | BF-180481-JV | Remoto |
.NET Developers | MP-180482-NET | Remoto, Lisboa, Porto e Faro |
Administrador de Sistemas - Cloud | BF-180480-CLD | Remoto/Todo o País |
Applications Support Engineer | BF-180482-ASE | Remoto |
Programadores Oracle | MP-180483-OFR | Remoto |
Programadores VB6 | MP-180484-VB6 | Remoto |
Analistas Funcionais | MP-180485-AF | Remoto |
Testers | MP-180486-TST | Remoto |
Analistas Programadores Microsoft | MP-180487-MAD | Remoto |
Project Managers | BF-180488-PM | Remoto |
Técnico Helpdesk | MP-180489-HD | Remoto |
Suporte Aplicacional | BF-180490-AS | Remoto |
Programador Junior - Microsoft | BF-180491-MD | Remoto |
Técnico de Marketing | BF-180492-TM | Lisboa e/ou Remoto |
Project Manager | BF-180492-PM | Remoto |
RPG Developers | BF-180493-RPG | Remoto |
NET Developers | MP-180494-NET | Remoto |
Analista Funcional | BF-180495-FA | Remoto |
Testers | BF-180496-TA | Remoto |
Microsoft Systems Administrator | MP-180497-MSA | Remoto |
Systems Administrator Linux e Unix | MP-180498-LSA | Remoto |
FrontEnd Developer | MP-180499-FE | Remoto |
JAVA Developers | MP-180500-JV | Remoto |
DEVOPS | MP-180501.DO | Remoto |
QA Automation | MP-180502-QA | Remoto |
Java Architect | MP-180503-JV-A | Remoto |
Analista Funcional | BF-180504-AF | Remoto |
Consultores Oracle | MP-180505-OFR | Remoto |
RPG Developers | BF-180506-RPG | Remoto |
Database Administrator - DBA | MP-180507-DBA | Remoto |
Administrativa(o) | WW-180508-AW | Lisboa e/ou Remoto |
Team Leader JAVA | MP-180509-JTL | Remoto |
Administrador Sistemas Windows | BF-180510-WSA | Remoto |
Gestor de Infraestruturas | MP-180511-IM | Remoto |
Windows Systems Administrator | MP-180512-WSA | Remoto |
Java Developer | MP-180513-JD | Remoto |
IT Specialist | BF-180514-IT | Remoto |
C# Developer | MP-180515-MSD | Remoto |
Programador C/C++ | MP-180516-C++ | Remoto |
MENDIX Developer | MP-180517-MDX | Remoto |
Tester Funcional - SAP FI | MP-180518-TF | Remoto |
Analista Funcional | MP-180519-AF | Remoto |
Liferay Developer | MP-180521-LFR | Remoto |
Tester - Testes Automatizados | MP-180522-ITA | Remoto |
Tester Funcional | SR-180528-TF | Remoto |
Solutions Architect | SR-180529-TF | Híbrido |
RPG Developers | MP-180530-RPG | Remoto |
Project Manager | SR-180531-PM | Híbrido ou Remoto |
Administrador de Sistemas Linux | MP-180532-LNX | Híbrido/Remoto |
Database Administrator | MP-180533-DBA | Híbrido/Remoto |
Google Cloud Administrator | MP-180534-GCA | Híbrido/Remoto |
Procurement PMO | SR-180541-PMO | Remoto |
Senior PHP Developer | SR-180542-PHP | Remoto |
Frontend Developer | SR-180543-FD | Remoto |
Helpdesk | MP-180539-HDK | Remoto |
Cloud & IT Specialist | MP-180540-CIT | Remoto |
Web Designer | SR-180544-WD | Remoto |
Technical Leader | SR-180545-TL | Remoto |
Consultores Cobol | SR-180537-COB | Remoto |
Fullstack Java Angular Developer | SR-180538-FSD | Remoto |
TALENT Managers | WW-180455-TM | Algarve |
FullStack Developers | BF-180456-FSD | Remoto |
Administradores de Sistemas | SR-180457-AS | Remoto |
Business Developers | WW-180459-BD | Grande Lisboa, Porto e Faro |
Gestor Operacional | SR-180460-OM | Lisboa |
Gestor de Negócios | WW-180553-BM | Grande Lisboa, Porto e Faro |
REACT Developers | BF-180554-RD | Setúbal |
Suporte Aplicacional | MP-180555-SA | Lisboa |
DevOps Engineer | MP-180556-DE | Lisboa, Região Oeste, Híbrido, Remoto |
Fullstack Developers | MP-180557-FSD | Lisboa, Região Oeste, Híbrido ou Remoto |
Requirements Engineer | MP-180558-RE | Lisboa, Região Oeste, Híbrido, Remoto |
Head of Business Unit | WW-180560-HUB | Lisboa, Porto ou Faro |
Business Manager Junior | WW-180561-BMJ | Lisboa, Porto ou Faro |
IT Recruiters | WW-180562-ITR | Lisboa, Porto ou Faro |
KOFAX Senior | MP-180563-KFX | Remoto |
MENDIX Developer | MP-180564-MDX | Remoto |
CLOUD Engineer | MP-180565-CLE | Remoto |
Fullstack Developer | MP-180566-FS | Remoto |
DevOps Engineer | MP-180567-DVE | Remoto |
Programadores Java | MP-180568-JV | Remoto |
Service Desk | MP-180569-SDK | Lisboa |
Manager FrontEnd Engineering | MP-180570-MFE | Remoto/Loures |
Business Analyst | SR-180571-BA | Remoto/Híbrido |
Custom Sucess Services | SR-180572-CSS | Remoto/Híbrido |
Product Owner | SR-180573-POW | Remoto/Híbrido |
Delivey Manager | SR-180574-DVM | Remoto/Híbrido |
Gestor de Produto/Aplicacional | MP-180575-GPA | Remoto |
Programador Fullstack | MP-180576-PFS | Remoto/Lisboa |
Solutions Designer | SR-180577-SD | Remoto/Lisboa |
Site Reliability Engineer | MP-180578-SRE | Remoto/Lisboa |
Programador Java Azure | AE-180578-JAK | Remoto |
IT Service Manager | AE-180579-ISM | Remoto |
Project Manager | RN-180580-GPW | Híbrido |
REACT Developers | WD-180581-RD | Setúbal |
Senior Ruby on Rails | BL-180582-RR | Remoto |
DevOps Engineer | NS-180583-CDO | Híbrido Lisboa |
Gestor Operacional | NS-180584-GOP | Lisboa, Híbrido |
Hubspot Project Manager | CM-180585-GPH | Lisboa, Remoto |
Analista ServiceDesk | NS-180586-ASD | Lisboa, Porto |